Breaking News
Monday, September 12, 2011

Info Post

A collection of passed away stars, both, planetary nebulae and supernova remnants.

Note. Images in this poster are not in same scale.


"Jake" from Finnish astronomical group, , pointed out, that Sh2-223 (Sharpless 223) is now  uncatalogued as a supernova remnant, it's just a HII region.

"G166.2+2.5 (=OA 184) (aka Sh2-223) was removed from the 2006 April version of the catalogue, as it was identified as an HII region by Foster et al. (2006)."

I left the image as it is, since there is a real SNR in the image, Sh2-224.

All images in this collection can be found from my portfolio, with technical details:


There are some very rarely imaged objects in the poster, like Jones1, Jones-Emberson1, Medusa Nebula, Sh2-188, Sh2-221, Sh2-216, Simeis 147 and supernova remnant pair Sh2-223, 224.

PL = planetary Nebula, SNR = supernova remnant


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