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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Info Post

The Winter season 2012-2013 starts to be over up here 65N. We'll loose dark nights for about six months, due to high latitude. Past Winter was kind of cloudy but since my observatory locates next to my home, I was able to use nearly every clear moment during the Winter. 

Image count is relatively high since many of the images are just finalized in this season and there have been material from past years to continue to work with.  I have published 24 new images ( Plus color and other versions of them.)

Beside traditional astronomical images, I have done some experimental work by adding a volumetric information to my images. My 3D-work gets widely published by several medias, like Wired magazine, Smithsonian Institute magazine, PetaPixel and many many others.

At end of the year 2012, one of my experimental 3D-images was selected as one of The Best Astronomical Images of 2012 by the astronomer Phil Plait. 

Collection of my images from the Winter season 2012-13 as a poster

Be sure to click for a full size image!

Please note, a largish image file ~6 MB, images are labeled.

A movie from the images

Images are in chronological order, duration 5 min.

To see this movie in full HD1080p resolution in Youtube, click HERE

Select a wanted HD resolution under a You Tube by clicking the gear symbol at lower right corner. Watch the movie in full screen for a best experience.

A slide show

Images are in chronological order

 Please, click HERE to see the folder of images in my portfolio.

Info about equipment used for all of my images 

Please, click HERE to see my gears and info about them.

All my images can be found from my portfolio

With technical details and other information

Examples of my experimental 3d-work 

Movies and GIF-animations

3D-images in different formats

parallel and cross vision free view, anaglyph Red/Cyan 3D


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