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Monday, September 12, 2011

Info Post

Images taken with a Tokina AT-X 300mm f2.8 camera lens

Images are in HST-palette from the emission of ionized elements, R=Sulfur, G=Hydrogen & B=Oxygen. 

Note. Images in this poster are not in same scale.

All images in this collection can be found from my portfolio, with technical details:

Tokina AT-X 300mm camera lens is an excellent astrolens!

Here is a blog post about the lens and the first light for it:

Tokina lens at top of the Meade LX200 GPS 12" telescope, it's a large lens with the dew shield attached.

A collection of images taken with a Meade LX200 GPS 12" 3000mm f10 telescope, forced to work at ~f5.

Most of the images are in HST-palette from the emission of ionized elements, R=Sulfur, G=Hydrogen & B=Oxygen. Red ones are in natural narrowband colors. Note. Images in this poster are not in same scale.

All images in this collection can be found from my portfolio, with technical details:

My old Meade LX 200 GPS12" telescope, on its original fork mount, is not a perfect instrument for astronomical imaging. I have managed to get it work like a real imaging platform, not an easy task though.

Great help is an active optics unit, SXV-AO, from Starlight express. (UK based company)

Imaging bath, more info in this blog post:

All the images above are shot from my city center observatory, under a heavy light pollution.

The narrowband imaging is must under my conditions. Dark place is better naturally,  now I'm able to use every cloudless moment, unlike with an observatory in distant dark location.


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