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Monday, September 19, 2011

Info Post

Last night was finally clear! I took my previous picture at March 15., after that, there was no astronomical darkness to work with, since I live at 65N. My first target was the "Propeller Nebula" in constellation Cygnus.

About six months mandatory pause makes no good ones skills and routines. Last night I forget to plug in a power cord of the filter wheel, stupid me. I thought, that I was shooting H-alpha channel, instead I shot four hours of very weak O-III signal. That's OK, I can use it later for a color image,  but due my mistake I have nothing to show here, there is very little to see in ionized Oxygen band . (Mainly stars, noise and some very dim signal from the ionization)

Since I don't have anything to show in this post, please, have a visit in my portfolio, there is some re organization done lately:


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