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Friday, June 3, 2011

Info Post

While making scale studies from various objects, I did make some new panoramas from archived images.

I will publish some of them as an individual images, comments and suggestions are welcome.

Panorama, from M52, Bubble Nebula & Sh2-157 to the Wizard Nebula 

In constellation Cassiopeia

A panorama from the M52 to the Wizard Nebula in constellation Cassiopeia.

Image is in HST-palette from an emission of ionized elements, R=Sulfur, G=Hydrogen and B=Oxygen.

Natural color composition from the emission of ionized elements, R=80%Hydrogen+20%Sulfur, G=100%Oxygen and B=85%Oxygen+15%Hydrogen to compensate otherwise missing H-beta emission. Star colors are mixed from the NB channels, Red=H-a, G=O-III and B= 85%O-III + 15%H-a.This composition is very close to a visual spectrum.

Note. Size of the full Moon is marked as a gray circle, at lower Left corner, for a scale.

There are two individual images used to make this panoramic image:

  1. Sharpless 157,

  2. Wizard Nebula,

Technical details for the images above

Sh2-157 Imaging data:

 Camera, QHY8 - 

Filters, Baader 7nm H-alpha, Baader 8,5nm O-III and Baader 8nm S-II - 

Optics, Tokina AT-X 300mm @ f2.8 - 

Exposures, 5X 1200s H-alpha, 2 X 1200 O-III and 2X1200s S-II + flats and bias - 

Guiding, LX200 GPS 12" + PHD-guiding and Lodestar

Wizard Nebula, Sharpless 142, NGC7380  Imaging data:

 Camera, QHY8 - 

Filters, Baader 7nm H-alpha, Baader 8,5nm O-III and Baader 8nm S-II - 

Optics, Tokina AT-X 300mm @ f2.8 - 

Exposures, 10X 1200s H-alpha, 2 X 1200 O-III and 2X1200s S-II + flats and bias - 

Guiding, LX200 GPS 12" + PHD-guiding and QHY5

Labeled version


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