Breaking News
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Info Post

While making scale studies from various objects, I did make some new panoramas from archived images.

I will publish some of them as an individual images, comments and suggestions are welcome.

From IC 1848, the "Soul Nebula" to the IC 1805, the "Heart Nebula"

Two panel mosaic panorama 

In constellation Cassiopeia

Natural color composition from the emission of ionized elements, R=80%Hydrogen+20%Sulfur, G=100%Oxygen and B=85%Oxygen+15%Hydrogen to compensate otherwise missing H-beta emission. 

This composition is very close to a visual spectrum.

Image is in HST-palette from the emission of ionized elements, R=Sulfur,

G=Hydrogen and B=Oxygen.

Original mosaic with a technical details:

Image is taken with a Tokina AT-X 300mm f2.8 camera lens and a QHY8, a cooled astronomical camera. Baader narrowband filter set, total exposure time was ~9h


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