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Monday, November 14, 2011

Info Post

Cirrus like gas filaments

in constellation Cygnus

HST-palette, from the emission of ionized elements,

R=Sulfur, G=Hydrogen and B=Oxygen.

Same image, than above, but with suppressed stars to show the actual nebula complex better.

A series of closeups to show the resolution, not a bad one for a 200mm camera lens...

An animated image to show some interesting structures under the star field.

Version in colors of visual spectrum

Image in Natural color palette from the emission of ionized elements, 

R=Hydrogen + Sulfur, G=Oxygen and B=Oxygen + Hydrogen.

This palette is very close to a visual spectrum.

Last night I was able to finalize a three panel mosaic from Cirrus of Cygnus. I have planned to shoot this formation a long time, finally there, yahoo... 

There are very few images around showing this area, it can be seen in many wide field images though but I haven't seen any images focusing to just it. This area can be seen in this APOD image Left, at about ten a clock position. This is not a bright target but by using an extremely fast, 200mm f1.8, optics a total exposure time for all three panels was very reasonable, ~7 hours.

The bright, magnitude 2.9, star at middle Left is the BSC 18 Del Cyg (HR7528).  This image spans about 12 degrees horizontally (24 full Moons side by side) and it's part of large nebula complex around constellation Cygnus. "Northern Cross" nebulosities are located at distance of about 2000 light years. At lower mid Left lays the "Propeller Nebula", I shot a little narrower wide field image of it in this Autumn, it can be seen HERE

It does look like a Cirrus cloud!

Technical details:

Processing work flow:

Image acquisition, MaxiDL v5.07.

Stacked and calibrated in CCDStack2.

Levels, curves, color combine and mosaic in PS CS3.

Optics, Canon EF 200mm camera lens at f1.8

Camera, QHY9

Guiding, Meade LX200 GPS 12" and a Lodestar guider

Image Scale, ~5 arcseconds/pixel


Filter, Baader 7nm H-alpha

Panel 1, 8x900s Binned 1x1

Panel 2, 4x900s Binned 1x1

Panel 3, 5x 900s Binned 1x1

Filter, Baader 8nm S-II

Panel 1, 6x300s Binned 3x3

Panel 2, 6x300s Binned 3x3

Panel 3, 6x300s Binned 3x3

Filter Baader 8,5nm O-III (I need a narrower one...)

Panel 1, 6x300s Binned 3x3

Panel 2, 6x300s Binned 3x3

Panel 3, 6x300s Binned 3x3


A vertical composition

Looks like some exotic plant...


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