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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Info Post

I was invited as one of the speakers at CEDIC conference in the Ars Electronica Center in Linz, Austria.

A wonderful experience!

It was great to meet many familiar names from different astronomical discussion groups at live.

Now those famous names will have faces too, thanks to CEDIC.

Many thanks to CEDIC "Spotlight Team" and Christopher Kaltseis for a very hard work!

I had one Workshop and one lecture about an astronomical image processing, specially my "Tone Mapping" technique. 

At the end, I had an extra lecture about my 3D-experiments. I had a set of Red/Cyan anaglyph eyeglasses with me and 3D-images, of different astronomical objects, get projected to a big screen.

I got a feel, that viewers really liked what they saw.

Here are some links to my 3D-experiments, please, have a look: anaglyph, parallel & cross vision stereo 3D


The name of the workshop was "Tone Mapping Workflow in Practice"

I have further developed this powerful processing technique and now I can call it a Tone Mapping v2.0 .

I have split this technique to a three different groups.

At the moment I have just images about the workflow, without much technical details. I will publish a step by step tutorial, as a PDF, in a very near future,  in this Blog.

I  Tone Mapping for a Narrowband colors

II  Tone Mapping for an extreme luminance stretching

III  Tone Mapping for Narrowband star colors

What's new?

  • Usage of the "Difference Map" A starless image is subtracted from an original image to form a difference map. This map will contain all the removed data by byte by byte.

  • Usage of the "Linear Dodge (Add)" mode, under a Photo Shop, when removed data is placed back guarantee a Zero data lost and an artifact free stars.

  • Usage of the Tone Map for controlling a local sharpening  and contrast

  • Tone map based noise reduction

  • A powerful star selection routine (100% accuracy)  with a "Difference Map"

  • Star colors from a Narrowband data

  • Small tweaks in overall work flow


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