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Monday, March 29, 2010

Info Post
I recently found couple of interesting Stereo image sites: In this site, there is a link to a work of T.R. Williams (1824-1871)

 Brian May , he is a PhD of Astrophysics, guitarist, songwriter and founding member of Queen. Beside that, he is a stereo image enthusiast!

  "Village of Lost and Found" is a 3D-stereo book about the work of T.R. Williams made by Brian May and photographic historian Elena Vidal. There is a clever stereo viewing device with the book, the OWL stereoscope, it's designed and produced by Brian May!

 I see "Village of Lost and Found" as a most important cultural work. I will have my own copy very soon and I'll write a small book review after that.

Click image for more info.

You can order the book direct from the publishers at;

Frances Lincoln


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