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Friday, September 11, 2009

Info Post

I have made some experiments wirh SXV-AO and QHY9.

Since QHY9 has a very small pixels, 5,4microns, there will be serious over sampling with LX200.

I do have a f6.3 reducer/flattener but even eith f6.3 image scale is oversampled.

I tested to increase the distance between QHY9 and a reducer, it seems that I'm able to

go up to f4.65 focal lenght by this method!

There is some wignetting, but not very serious. Some distortion with stars can be seen in outer corners, but I'm able to live with that.

I didn't think it's possible to turn f10 telescope toreltively fast f4.65 scope.

QHY9 has a lightly smaller chip than APS-size in QHY8, that heps a litle.


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