Breaking News
Monday, June 1, 2009

Info Post

This vide shows how to 3D-transform is made from a 2D-image of the Moon.

The image is reprojected back to spherical 3D-surface.

It makes possible to see details from a limb area of the Moon, otherwise burried by the perspective distortion.

Real shape of the craters can now be seen.


In the Video, there is first a normal, high resolution, image of the Full moon.

Secondly the image is projected back to a sphere.

After that, the vantagepoint can be freely selected from the Space, as long as the target stays at the area visible in the original 2D-image!

To see this video in HD, please klick This LINK and select the HD option from the player. HINT! To see a smooth video in HD, please, press a pause button and let the movie load before play it. You can download the original HD wmv movie from HERE. The original 2D image can be seen HERE.


As I mentioned some ealier post, I have done this kind of experiments few years back.

At the time I did only still images.

One of them was selected as a LPOD (lunar Picture Of the Day).

this was my very first LPOD.

It can be found here:


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