Breaking News
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Info Post

False color Hydrogen alpha

H-a, stars are supressed to show the nebulosity.



IC443 is a supernova remnant in Gemini.

Last night I installed a Tokina 300mm AT f2.8 lens front of the QHY9 astro camera.

This combination gives me resolution of 3,5 "/pixel, witch mean practically seeing limited

details. The fiels of view is about 207' x 157'.


At the time I was able to shot this target it was low in the sky, about

30 degrees, that and very bad transparency and seeing cut down the sharpness a lot.


I will shot more Ha-light when weather allows and I'm going to

add O-III and S-II data as well to create a narrowband composition.


Imaging details:

Optics, Tokina 300mm AT f2.8 @ 2.8

Camera, QHY9 astro camera
Guiding, QHY5 and PHD-Guiding on LX200 GPS 12"
Exposures, 8x600s +darks, bias and flats
Filter, Baader 7nm H-alpha


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