Breaking News
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Info Post

My new camera lens is a World fastest telelens, Canon EF 200mm f1.8L.

Here is some information:


This lens has best difraction limited optical quality I have seen.

Lens is used in SuperWASP project, actually eight of them:


The model I bought is electronically focused, so there is no mechanical link between lenses and

focusin ring. After lots of thinking I ended up to modify the lens for the astro work.

Opening up and messing with electronic and mechanic of the expencive lens was not a

easy decision, but it was the only way to use it with my new astrocamera, QHY9.



  • removing the original Canon bajonet

  • cutting off all the wires between the lens and the bajonet

  • soldering an extencion cord between the lens and the bajonet

  • attachment of the M42 ,75mm thread to the lens end


Aftger the modification I can use any EOS Canon body to powering up and adjust the lens


Images of the modification:

Original wires are cutted and extencions soldered in.

Canon bajonet with cutted wires.

Extencion cords are soldered to the bajonet.

M42 ,75mm thread is attached to lens end.

Allmost ready assembly.


As you can see from the images I used the lenses filter holder as a route for the cords.

(The canon holder is too small for 2" astronomical filters.)

After final image I wrap some aluminium foil around the lens end to

prevent any light leaks. The foil was then attached with

Black tape around it.

After the modification the lens can be controlled with any unexpencive EOS body.

I build a power source for the EOS body, so there is

no need for the batterys.


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