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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Info Post

Since my processing technique gets better and the time of year doesn't give any support for new images, I have reprocessed some older ones. There is now star colors added, other processing is tweaked too.

NGC 7380, the "Wizard Nebula", in Cepheus

Ra 22h 47m 0s Dec +58° 06′ 00″

Sh2-142 alias NGC 7380, in HST-palette, (HST=Hubble Space Telescope)

from the emission of ionized elements, R=Sulfur, G=Hydrogen and B=Oxygen.

NGC 7380 is a catalog number of  the open star cluster inside Wizard nebula, SH2-142.

Nebula locates in constellation Cepheus, about 7000 light years from my home. 

Natural color composition from the emission of ionized elements, R=80%Hydrogen+20%Sulfur, G=100%Oxygen and B=85%Oxygen+15%Hydrogen to compensate otherwise missing H-beta emission. This composition is very close to a visual spectrum.

Original processing can be seen from here:

An experimental starless image to show some details in the actual nebula

Technical details:

Processing work flow:

Image acquisition, MaxiDL v5.07.

Stacked and calibrated in CCDStack.

Deconvolution with a CCDSharp, 30 iterations.

Levels, curves and color combine in PS CS3.

Telescope, Meade LX200 GPS 12" @ f5

Camera, QHY9 Guiding, SXV-AO @ 6,5Hz

Image Scale, 0,75 arcseconds/pixel

Exposures H-alpha 15x1200s, binned 1x1

S-II 1x1200s, binned 4x4

O-III 1x1200s, binned 4x4

I have used color data from an older, 2008,  wide field image of Sh2-142.


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