Breaking News
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Info Post

Two, exteremely dim, Supernova remnants in same five degrees field of view.

This target locates in Auriga.

Two hours H-alpha light for this target is way too litle.

There is some very very faint S-II component and maybe a hint of O-III.

A starless version to show the actual nebulosity.


-Camera, QHY9
- Optics, Canon EF 200mm f1.8 @ 1.8
- Guiding, QHY5 and PHD-guiding
- Platform, LX200 GPS 12"
- Exposures, 7x1200s with 7nm H-alpha filter, 5x300s O-III Binned 4x4 and 5x300s

S-IIBinned 4x4 .
Darks, Flats and Bias frames calibrated.


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