Breaking News
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Info Post

This is a second version of Sh-240 this year.

I added more H-a light. Now image is smooth and signal / noise is

improved. I might shoot more lights for this later in this spring.


Two versions, first in Hubble palette and secon in "natural" color narrowband composoite.


Exposures so far are:

H-alpha, 12x600s + 24x300s(binned 2x2) + 12x600s = 6h

S-II, 5x600s (binned 2x2)

O-III, 14x300s (binned 3x3)


Optics: Canon 200mm EF f1.8 @ f1.8 Camera: QHY9 @ -50 C Guiding: Lx200 GPS 12" + LQHY5 and PHD-Guiding - The information in O-III channel is extremely weak. I used a special technique of mine to dig it out for color information. This image serie shows how weak the O-III realy is.


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