Breaking News
Monday, November 3, 2008

Info Post

In this image, there is two supernova remnants!

Both are extremely faint. Exposure time was 15x1200s = 5 hours,

and in final image there was very litle information.

I wanted to try this difficult targe to see can it be imaged from the city center and

with QHY8 color camera. After tweaking the data about an hour, I was able to say, it can.

Image here is a false color image, H-alpha = Red.


Imaging data:

Camera, QHY8 - Filters, Baader 7nm H-alpha

Optics, Tokina AT-X 300mm @ f2.8

Exposures, 15X 1200s H-alpha, flats and bias

Guiding, LX200 GPS 12" + PHD-guiding and Lodestar


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