Breaking News
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Info Post

This is a first light for my new equipment, Tokina AT-X 300mm f2.8 manual focus lens.

North America and Pelican nebula shooted @ f2.8 with Baader 7nm H-alpha filter.

I will shoot later S-II and O-III channels to this target (those two filters are new as well)

to create a false color narrowband image.

Even full open, this lens is very sharp and large diameter (112mm) combined to a

fast optics (f2.8) collects photons fast. Exposure time to this relatively deep image was

only 5 x 900s = 1h and 15min.

This fast lens has a very narrow critical focus zone, about 17microns. (17/1000mm !)

I updated my homemade focusing system for this lens to use it with FocusMax software.

Camera: QHY8 (Red pixels only)

Guiding: Lodestar guider and PHD-guiding with LX200 GPS 12"

Exposures: 5 x 900s with Baader 7nm H-alpha filter

Lens: Tokina AT-x 300mm @ f2.8

Here is a same image but all stars are removed.

This way more details are visible in nebula area
and total amount of nebulosity is revealed.


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