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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Info Post

This is a just a test. Large gas clouds are located usually in dense star fields and bright
stars are dominating the image, even in narrowband images.
Sometimes it's difficult to see actual target from stars.
In this test I removed stars from images by using several PS filters, like Minimum, Dust & Scratches and some other star reducing methods.
I think, in this way the actual targets and they forms are more visible.

Klick thumbnail for the large image.

"Bubble Nebula"

"Elephants Trunk"
The core of the "Heart Nebula"
"Andromeda Galaxy"
"North America Nebula"
"Flaming Star Nebula"

Part of the IC1848 "Soul Nebula"

"California Nebula"
"Rose Nebula"
"Hart and Soul"

Wwil Nebula Western part
Weil Nebula Eastern part


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