Breaking News
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Info Post

Nights are getting shorter and shorter up here north.

Lenght of the day is now 15h 30min. Astronomical darkness

last from 23:38 to 02:57 tonight.

One week from now here is no astronomical darkness untill autumn.


This is the last target for this season. I managed to capture two hours

of data last night. I'll try shoot more data tonight.

M106 (Object number 106 in Messier catalog)

Allso known as NGC 4258.


M106 is a spiral galaxy located in constellation Canes Venatici.

Distance is about 25 million light-years from my home.


Optics: Meade LX200 GPS 12" @ f6.3
Camera: QHY8
guiding: SXV-AO, active optics unit and LodeStar guider
Exposures: 8 x 900s+ Flats and Bias frames, no darks total exposure time 2h.

Filter: IDAS LP


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