Breaking News
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Info Post

This is a false color image of the Sh2-240.
Image of the object with no stars was added as lighten mode to the Red channel,
under PS.

h-alpha image.

This is really difficult target!
I can see effects of light pollution here, even with 7nm H-a
filter. Bad gradients etc...
This time I shooted 4 X 3600s = One hour subs!
My record so far. Longer subs are needed to bring out very
faint structure of this object.

So far there is about 7h exposures, I thin an other 10 hous is needed here.
I'll shoot more when weather allows.

Inverted version

This is a version with no stars (image processing trick)
to bring out the structure better. This image was used to make a false color image.


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