Breaking News
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Info Post

Images are reprocessed with my new method. This new technique will provide better color handling, softer look and high details at the same time.

Be sure to click the images to see them at a full glory.

A Cone and the Rosette Nebulae

A two panel mosaic

A two panel mosaic in mapped colors, from the emission of ionized elements,

R=Sulfur, G=Hydrogen and B=Oxygen.

A Cone nebula and the Christmas Tree Cluster

A closeup from the left part of the mosaic above

(And yes, the names are real ones, I didn't made the up...)

This very seasonal closeup shows the Cone Nebula and a Christmas Tree Cluster around it.

Cone Nebula closeup

Click for a large image

Rosette Nebula closeup

Click for a large image

Visual color compositions

Be sure to click the images to see them at a full glory.

Natural color composition from the emission of ionized elements, R=80%Hydrogen+20%Sulfur, G=100%Oxygen and B=85%Oxygen+15%Hydrogen to compensate otherwise missing H-beta emission. This composition is very close to a visual spectrum.

A closeup


In the constellation of Monoceros, just east of Orion, lies this huge nebulous duo with the famous Rosette Nebula at right and the Cone Nebula at left. The Rosette is easily recognized as a large flower to the left with bright central stars. In . The nebula on the left halves of the mosaic contains 'The Christmas Tree' star cluster in the center. The Cone Nebula lays at distance of ~2500 light years and the Rosette about a distance at 5200 light years.

An experimental starless image

This image shows the are with suppressed stars, the nebula itself stands out better by this way.

The scale in the sky

Zoom in image series with a Moon as a scale

Cone Nebula: 

Rosette Nebula: 

Technical details

Camera QHY9 

Guiding QHY5 

Optics Canon EF 200mm f1.8 lens, full open

Imaging platform and guiding LX200 GPS 12" 

Exposures for Cone Nebula part: 

H-a = 2 x 1200s 

S-II = 2 x 600s 

O-II = 2 x 600s 

Exposures for Rosette Nebula part:

H-a = 3 x 1200s 

S-II = 2 x 600s 

O-III = 2 x 600s 

Final image is 7000 x 2500 pixels and the resolution is 5,5 pixels/arc second

Original image from the year 2009


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