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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Info Post

Since the Weather doesn't support new images, I'm publishing some experimental work here.

I have tested a new method to publish my 3D-images as a form of Lenticular prints.

For this technique to work, I need series of images from different angles, in this case 24 images are needed.

Lenticular printing is actually an old technique but in past few years it has become much more sophisticated.

The results can be stunning visually, image plane disappears and object floats in and outside of the frame.

Since astronomical objects are too far away, no real parallax can be imaged. Doe to that, I have developed a method to turn my images to various 3D-formats. My work flow is based on scientific data from the object, distance and the source of ionization are usually known. The different types of the nebulae has typical structures, pillar like formations must point to the source of ionization, the radiation pressure forms kind of hollow area, inside of the nebula, around newly born stars, dark nebulae must be at front of the emission ones to show, etc... rest of the missing information is then replaced with an artistic vision.

The whole process is pretty much like sculpting!

The Pelican Nebula in Cygnus as an animation

Only real elements from the original 2D-image are used for the animation

NOTE! Let the animation load, ~7MB

This is a personal vision about forms and shapes, based on some known facts and an artistic impression.

An original 2D-image, used for the animation

Image above is a small part of the very large mosaic image of the Cygnus constellation

Original blog post about this mosaic, with technical details and large images:


Here are other 3D-formats out of the same material


For Parallel vision method

For Cross vision method

An anaglyph Red/Cyan 3D

You'll need Red/Cyan eyeglasses to see this image as 3D.

Red lens goes to Left eye.


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