Breaking News
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Info Post

As usually, things easily gets out of my hands...

This time I shot eight new mosaic frames for Auriga image, total frames are now 12.

This panoramic mosaic spans about 21 degrees of sky. That's 42 full Moons side by side.)

I combined older long exposure images from Simeis 147 and Sharpless objects 224 and 225 to this new data.

Total exposure time, with an older data, is now about 70 hours together.

12 panel mosaic of Auriga

21 degrees of sky

HST-palette, from the emission of ionized elements, R=Sulfur, G=Hydrogen and B=Oxygen.

Note. Large image 2200 pixels wide and ~3MB. Original resolution about 15000 x 9000 pixels.

Image in visual spectrum

Note. There is a small circle at lower Left corner. It show the angular size of the full Moon in the sky.

(Apparent size of the full Moon is 30', or 0,5 degrees)

Images above are more informative, than beautiful, I think.

There are some rarely imaged objects, like Sharpless supernova remnants Sh2 224, 225 and 240 (Simeis 147). At middle there are several open clusters and Sharpless objects. (Look for an attached map at end of this page.) Outer parts of IC 405 and 410 Nebula complex are seen too. There is an interesting looking loop of gas at the Left end of the complex.

A composition from the central parts of mosaic

I made a cropped image out of this panorama. I think, it's more visually pleasing.

HST-palette, from the emission of ionized elements, R=Sulfur, G=Hydrogen and B=Oxygen.

Eight panels are used for this mosaic image. Original resolution about 9000 x 7000 pixels.

Previous version, a four panel mosaic

Original resolution about 7000 x 5000 pixels.

Blog post, with technical detail, can be seen here:

Detail images from the mosaic,

to show the resolution, click for large version


No sharpening or star reducing methods are used!

Mosaic image is build around this one frame image, original blog post, with technical details, can be seen here:

Messier 38 at middle of the large image

A closeup of IC 410

Sharpless 232

Sharpless 224

Image, with technical data, can be seen here:

A map

Image is implemented in a map from Cartes du Ciel

An animation

This experimental GIF-animation shows the image without stars and

the actual nebula complex is better seen.


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