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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Info Post

Panoramic image from a constellation Taurus

A three panel mosaic in HST-palette from  ionized elements, Red=Sulfur, Green=Hydrogen & Blue=Oxygen. North is Right.

Image above spans about ten degrees, 600', sky horizontally, that's an area of 20 full Moons side by side. 

At Left, a supernova remnant Simeis 147 (Sharpless 240). IC 405 and 410 can be seen at Right. I shot three relatively short exposures for the panorama, about an hour each, since I had shot both main objects earlier at Autumn 2011, with much longer integration time. (Technical details can be seen at end of this post.)

Total exposure time for Hydrogen alpha alone is about 20h.

Panorama as a natural color composition

Narrowband channels combined to a visual spectrum, R=Hydrogen + Sulfur, G=Oxygen and B=Oxygen + Hydrogen. Image is in real orientation in the sky, North is up.

Technical details:

Processing work flow:

Image acquisition, MaxiDL v5.07.

Stacked and calibrated in CCDStack2.

Levels, curves, color and mosaic combine in PS CS3.

Optics, Canon EF 200mm camera lens at f1.8

Camera, QHY9

Guiding, Meade LX200 GPS 12" and a Lodestar guider

Image Scale, ~4,5 arcseconds/pixel

H-a for three panels 3h.

Exposures for the Simeis 147

H-alpha 34x900s, Binned 1x1

H-alpha 14x1800s, Binned 1x1

Total exposure time for Hydrogen alpha is ~13h

O-III & S-II channels are from an older image, it can be seen here

Exposures for IC 405 & 410

New exposures H-alpha 13x900s,

S-II and O-III information are from an older image

Total exposure time for Hydrogen, ~20h


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