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Monday, November 23, 2009

Info Post


Animation, Stars vs No Stars.


Sometimes it's usefull to see the Nebula without stars.

Human brains has a tendency to form Shapes and lines from a cloud of dots, in this case Stars.

By removing Stars the actual Nebulosity is seen better.

If the object is located in a very dense Starfield, some dimmer parts might not be seen at all.

I have noticed, that large shapes and formations in a Nebula comes visible by this way.

I can compare this to a CT Scan image, where different tissues can be seen. It's still a real image of the human been, even skin and clothes can't be seen.

After all, in a reality, Stars are only mathematical points, with no dimensions, doe the huge distance.

The difraction and atmosphere blow up the image of a Star to a small disk.

The method used for a Star supression is descripted in a "Tone Mapping" PDF-document HERE. An other sample. Working with a dim targets and an extreme dense Star field:


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