Breaking News
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Info Post

In HST-palette

In "natural" colors

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This was the moust difficult target.

The image spans about five degrees horizontaly, there is two

old Supernova remnants in the same field of view!

Extremely low surfage brightness and large angular size makes

this trio from the Sharpless catalog a very challenging to shoot.

There is a very dense Star field. Note. the "noise" in the image is

not a noise but Stars!

I think, this is more difficult than a SH2-240.

It can be seen in my older post, here:


I spend three nights for H-alpha and here is the result.

I think, this must be the firs NB color composition from this target?

Least I wasn't able to find any.


Total exposure time for H-alpha channe is 11h.

Taken with very fast optical configuration @ f1.8.



-Camera, QHY9

- Optics, Canon EF 200mm f1.8 @ 1.8

- Guiding, QHY5 and PHD-guiding

- Platform, LX200 GPS 12"

- Exposures, 7x1200s with 7nm H-alpha filter and 13x2400s, 5x300s O-III Binned 4x4 and 5x300s. S-IIBinned 4x4 . Darks, Flats and Bias frames calibrated.

Total exposure time for H-alpha line is 11h!


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