Breaking News
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Info Post

This H-alpha narrowband image from last night, shows a large area around

the "Cone Nebula". Lots of nebulosity around there.


Cone Nebula, H-alpha

Note the "Hubble's Variable Nebula" at Five a clock position.

(A small cometlike dot in the image)

A Starless version to show the nebulosity better.

False color H-alpha version.

A grop from the center. This lens is very sharp, even full open @f1.8


Weather in this winter has been #&%@$£2 and last night was no exception.

After four hours I managed to save four 20 min. exposures,

others were ruined by the speeding clouds.



Optics, Canon FD 200mm f1.8 @ 1.8

Camera, QHY9 astro camera

Guiding, QHY5 and PHD-Guiding on LX200 GPS 12"

Exposures, 4x1200s +darks, bias and flats

Filter, Baader 7nm H-alpha


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