Breaking News
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Info Post

In Hubble Palette

In "Natural" Color


S-II and O-III channels added last night.
For H-alpha, there is an additional 1h 20min exposures added to first version
from November 17.
Imaging data:
Camera, QHY8
- Filters, Baader 7nm H-alpha, Baader 8,5nm O-III and Baader 8nm S-II
- Optics, Tokina AT-X 300mm @ f2.8
- Exposures, 10X 1200s H-alpha, 2 X 1200 O-III and 2X1200s S-II + flats and bias
- Guiding, LX200 GPS 12" + PHD-guiding and QHY5

Color mosaic with Sh2-157 to show relative location.


I looked this image and couldn't figure out what it remainds of.

Now I know!

It looks like a logo of Amnesty International!


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