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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Info Post

Older DS images from 2005-7

M31 is beautiful and very problematic target.
Large angular size, low surfage brightness and large dynamic range
combined to heavily light polluted location, is not a good combination.
Anyhow, here is the result this time.
I really need a darker location.
SW80ED and QHY8
guiding LX200+QHY5+PHD-guiding
4h total exposure time.

M33 is adifficult target from light polluted evnironment.I use four hours of exposures for this. Noise porblem and very low S/N are coused by LP. SW80ED QHY8, guided with LX200+QHY5+PHD-guiding

I had some extra time, so i went trough my archives.
Here it is famous 17P/Holmes.
At the time it was easy to spot with naked eye.
Two hours of exposures with QHY8 and SW80ED.

M56 & M66




NGC 4565

NGC 5907 (Pizza?)


Sun Flower Galaxy


My very first DS image ever.

I was very proud, that I was able to see spiral arms

in my picture! Image is taken in Alt/Az mode acd there was

only 12x30s subs, no guiding.

NGC3718, thanks for solving it Philipp


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